Monday, September 20, 2010

New Gear On My Back

I always wanted to have a CamelBak since the first time I saw people using them. Although it is not yet widely being used for long distance runners or triathletes, this water container + mini bag pack has been widely used by most mountain bikers.

And yesterday, my dream came true. Thanks to a good friend of mine, I managed to get myself a CamelBak Classic model, with a wonderful (read: affordable to my standard) price tag.

Soon, you’ll be seeing me using this.
A sip from EnAikAY’s Mobile Teh Tarik will cost you RM0.30. But, since you are my lovely blog readers, I’ll give you some discounts. Three sips for RM1.00. Amacam?

All this while, I am only dependent on my two 300ml Fuel Belt bottles which I’ve used since 2007. I’m planning to start using the Camelbak which enables me to carry 2ltr of fluid (max. capacity) for my long rides and runs. Plus, I can also carry my camera, cell phone, gels or energy bars, maps, compass, mini pump, spare tubes, car keys, wallet, bike tools, lemang, ketupat, lontong, satay, dodol, Almond London, tart nenas… eh, eh, tersasul la pulak.

On another note, I had a bad pain in my right ear since yesterday morning. The doctor said there might be some kind of infection in my ENT department, since there’s also a little lump developed on the right side of my throat. I’ve been prescribed with antibiotics and some kind of eardrops. The thing I hate about having to take up antibiotics is that, I have to complete the dose in timely manner without any miss, three times a day.

And the reason I came up with this entry, is because I just remembered I should be taking another antibiotic and the eardrop now.


  1. hope nothing serious on the ear infection.
    Waa nice camelbak, ehem...

  2. It feels like there's a water inside the right ear. Berdengung and berdesing once in a while. If it doesn't subside by tomorrow, i'll take a second opinion.

    P/s: and i get to know my blood pressure was 120/70 yesterday... nice.

  3. wah... dah all geared up for TNF woohoo...

    (oopps sorry, ke ni perbincangan private teammate for TNF?)

  4. Syah,
    Yes, early preparation for TNF next year insyaAllah.
    This year's edition, tak sempat register daa...

  5. tahniah atas pembelian beg 'belakang unta' tu...
    aku ingat pun nak sambar satu la 'belakang gajah' pulak (elephantbak - yet to be invented)
    boleh letak swimming pool sekali, bergelen2 boleh minum...

    tu la aku malas nak rendam pool lama2 org buang air dlm tu, masuk dlm telinga...pap...infection!...

    hope you recover soon..

  6. Ijam,
    Kalau elephantbak lu kena minum sedut thru idung bro (ala2 belalai gajah)... tergamak ke lu buat gitu time lari?

  7. now I'm confused! Why are you in hurry to get a camelbak ... macam ada sesuatu jek?... Seriously, after that maiden ultra 'attempt' of yours, I'm slowly losing the trust in you .... :)

    *ehem* kita train POR nak?

  8. Ian,
    I ordered this camelbak since July lah, where got hurry?
    Woops.. hang on seminit...
    Oh no, i smell something fishy now. Yesterday it was Shuk, then Syah, now it's you...
    Am i missing something here??

  9. wait - you have to order a camelbak? I thot pegi kedai outdoor and zasss... Ian beli bag dia tak sampai seminit last year heheheh
    since july? mana beli camelbak nih?

    jangan lupa FRIM this wiken hahahah ke naik trail Balai Cerap kat UTM?

  10. Syah,
    I ordered thru orang tengah. aku je lambat nak pick up dari dia. so, kebetulan semalam boleh meet up.. wa collect la.
    Beli thru online lagi murah.. katanya.

    Bukan ke weekend ni ada larian bukit jahanam? Korang nak buat larian gunung jahanam FRIM pulak??? Jahanam la nampaknya....

  11. wow, enaikay needs to do alot of explanation here ...

    p/s - we all smell fish. :)

  12. somehow, the admin forgot to block the FB and blogspot accs today ... *evil grin*
    p/s - trying to enjoy it while it lasts!

  13. Ian..
    Hahaha.. i thought so.
    Tadi bomba dah panic.. dia kata ada org report ada ular sawa besar terlepas kat tingkat 15 bank apa ntah... somewhere in KL la...
    Your office kat tingkat 15 kan?

  14. i dont know why but i have one too, not that i run long distance or do any trail lol but a bit different from yours, i like yours lah, exchange? heheeh

  15. kena practise sedut kat hidung la nampaknya...muahaha..

  16. June,
    Kalau tukar suka sama TAK SUKA.... boleh. :)
    How have u been doing?
    Senyap je lepas raya ni? Jangan sampai mabuk lemang sudah....

  17. Ijam,
    Masa praktis tu.. pakai costume clown sekali.. baru matching dgn gaya minum air sedut kut hidung.

  18. nik - wish it is my bank, than we all can get out of this concrete cage

    kak june - I thought you brought along your hydration bag to open houses, no? :)

    ijam - ijam semua boleh. jangan dicabar. jadi clown dah! larian trail dah!

    p/s - sorry yer, nak hijack jap ... seronok plak cross-blogging nih ...

  19. Ian,
    Enjoy it while it last
    Work hard, blog harder.. ngeh ngeh ngeh.

    Shall we re-open the #1 commenting race? :)

  20. enaikay - don't count it too much. I doubt esok dah tak bleh .... :(

  21. i pun nak macam ni, for genting trailblazer. murah ke u dapat dari kawan u tu? macam berminat la plak

  22. nik, mine bought from marathon shop, ada suka ke takde suka? hahah ..

    i've been occupied sikitlah, and since tak lari takde cerita nak blog pun, pathetic sungguh ha ha .. havent done any open houses pun lah Ian, tu yang tak guna2 lagi the pack!! but on a bright note, my knee is feeling much better, dah boleh kot nak try slow jog ! maybe tomorrow .. my last crawl was hatyai .. yikes!

    oit, panjanglah pulak .. sowiee

  23. Camelback tu letak sirap limau.Marbeles!

    Hopefully nothing serious with ur ears infection. My friend dulu sakit kat dalam telinga, then bila pergi jumpa doktor,doktor korek2 keluar piece of plastic. Magic tak? Magic ke ngeri?

  24. June,
    Yeay... u've updated your blog at my comment area.. hihihi.
    P/s: any comments longer than 30 words can be considered as a blog entry.. no? :)
    Ops.. thanks for the reminder... time to take another antibiotic.

    Yes, sirap limau air. Sure laju air tu habis (larian tetap slow).
    Itu bukan magic atau silap mata tu, itu namanya silap telinga!

  25. Ish.. tak senonoh la nyah... besar2 pun ayaq liuq meleleh lagi...

  26. orang kelantan pun pandai kata ayaq liuq? ehehehhe .. oops yalah blog entry kat ur comment (wait nak count words jap) still ok hehe, (ada 7 words balance heheh)

  27. June,
    Eish.. u no play play with this kelate boy u know. u not yet hear me speaking english in kelate slang.
