Friday, September 3, 2010

The 15 Truth Of My Silence

1. Since the start of Ramadhan, I’ve lost much interest and passion in writing, or sharing stuffs on my blog. I still blog hop almost everyday though, including hopping on my own blog.

2. On many occasions (when they happen), I thought of writing it up on my blog. But, once I sat in front of the laptop, I can’t even complete the first sentence. So, I blog hop some more.

3. To ease myself from guilt feeling, I excused myself with these three words, “I am busy”.

4. I’m ok with buying food at Pasar Ramadhan, for as long as we don’t buy more than what we can eat. But, I can’t fathom those who spend RM50++ or RM80++ just to fill the belly at the many Ramadhan buffets served here and there. Don’t they know that one of the reason or teaching behind fasting is that we humble ourselves with food? The real celebration of fasting in Ramadhan should be on Hari Raya itself, when it is the sunnah to cook more food and invite people to come over and enjoy the feast. Our Ramadhan “culture” needs to be corrected lah I guess.

5. The first 5 days of Ramadhan, totally no workout or exercise for me. I almost forgot what LSD stands for. Does it stand for Let’s Sleep & Dream?

6. From 6th days of Ramadhan onwards, I began a conquest of revenge. I hooked up my bike on the trainer, filled my ear lobes with headphones which were connected to a laptop that plays DVD movies, and punished my legs by forcing them to keep the cadence at 90rpm and above, on various gears. Each sessions would last for 30min to 60min, depending on how interesting the movies are.

7. I normally start the sessions after terawikh. The most I could do was during last week. Total of 4 nights, with each session lasted 45mins ~ 60mins. Seeing the sweats dropped off from my chin was a little bonus. Seeing the increasing average speeds as they progressed day after day, was double the bonus.

8. For the 1 hour time I spent per week at the gym doing upper body workout, I get 48 hours of muscle soreness then after. The good thing is, the gym is not crowded before iftar. I hope to clock another 1 hour gym session next week.

9. I did not do any fitness workout during the weekends, other than to carry my daughter when she’s tired of walking while following her mom doing the shopping.

10. I only ran twice during Ramadhan so far. One was two weeks ago, which was only an embarrassing 36mins of super slow run after work. And another one was on yesterday’s hot evening, which was truly a self humiliation. I started a series of walk breaks from the 7th minutes onwards. It was a total 40 minutes of self humiliation. I felt crappy, I felt unfit, I felt awful, and I’m not proud of it at all even though some non-Muslim runners said it was awesome that I still managed to run while fasting.

11. After the run and breaking fast, I went into the pool for the first time in Ramadhan for a slow swim session. All this while I was a single sided breather (taking air on right side only, per stroke), and a friend told me that this technique disrupts the momentum, hence relegating the speed. So I slowly tried double sided breathing. It’s still difficult for me to break the current habit of single sided breathing, and my stomach was filled with pool water as much as what I had for iftar whenever I took the air from the left side. But, I promised myself to train more on double sided breathing or at least, single sided breathing for every two strokes. Yes, I’m hunger for speed.

12. I’m still having the doubt whether I can finish the 25km distance for Newton hilly run on September 26th. Big workout plans (mainly consisting of more running and lower body workouts) have been set for launch after Raya. I just need to buck up on my discipline and not fall over with a bulging tummy filled with rendang, ketupat, satay and many other Aidilfitri delicacies (oh gosh, it’s gonna be tough to resist).

13. Out of all, there’s only another guy or two from JB that I know who are going to do the long distance triathlon in Desaru this coming October. So far, looks like my training is almost at par with what they are doing (maybe a little bit less). But I still don’t think I can fully prepare for the race. And I really don’t like to race with unprepared fitness. It’s not fun. Anyway, the registration is open until Sept. 18, and who knows my mind may turn 180 degrees. Sometimes, I don’t know myself, especially if the race course is only a 1.5 hours drive away from where I work now.

14. I’m not buying new Baju Melayu for this time as my previous ones are still in perfect conditions. I haven’t thought much of what else to pack for balik kampung next week, but one thing for sure my Avia Bolt running shoes will follow me.

15. I actually miss blogging. It is not that I love to write. Plus, I’m not good at writing and I tend to spend lots of time whenever I write something. But sometimes (actually, most of the times) I don’t have anything of a good quality to be jotted down here. After all, it’s difficult to be a perfectionist I guess. In that case, the “I am busy” excuse is always the best way to disguise my silence-ness in the blogging world.

My routine, twice a week.


  1. Tidur lena nampak? Sure dah dapat number phone awek sebeleh :)

    Same here la bro. At least you're much better than me. I only cycle & run once a week. Itu pun sebab ada kawan2 & the TT that follows as motivations. Crossing fingers tightly for Newton & Seri Manjung. Fookyah!

  2. Nik, you write from the heart. And that matters most when it comes to your readers. Remember that always.

  3. Shakhir bro,
    I'm such a good actor (in the sleeping scene), right?
    Your once a week training is much more than my two weeks training daa.
    Wa drama je lebih...

    Happy birthday bro!
    Such a good advice there, thanks. In that case, i need to find my heart. :)

  4. eh sapa amik gamba? antu ka?

    tido berlakon eh?

  5. hhah syah and hantu lol .. nik, even when not writing u do it well :) chin up bro , it will all come back , i havent done anything at all .. newton will be fine lah !

  6. Syah,
    Hantu bas!

    The only reason why i still want to run the Newton is... the compression socks!!
    That is, if i can cross the finish line without being inside the ambulance lah.

  7. Konduktor bas kot yang jadi tukang snap gambar!

    Anyway, don't ever say you can't write lah, aiyo, yours is one of the most enjoyable blogs I frequent!

    And if it makes you feel better, I haven't run since last week punya wednesday. hehe. But let's take it positively, we'll hit the mileage soon after raya. Mau membakar segala kalori dan lemak makanan raya!

  8. Nik, your blog is the only place you can write rubbish and no one will say anything bad. Just read my blog posts and you know what i mean…hehe

  9. Haza,
    That is because i'm inspired with your ability to write almost everyday on your online diary.
    BTW, let see who will come up with the most "balik kampung run" mileage.
    I'm pretty sure each of you guys will bring along running shoes during Raya holidays.
    I will.. (but, utk sedapkan hati aje la.. bukan sebab nak lari sgt pun)

    U r a celebrity... lain cerita. Hihihi.

  10. wah Nik u must share your secret of sleeping and taking photo at the same time :)

  11. Ray,
    The secret is.. u have to wear something from Victoria Secret after eating something at Secret Recipe.
    Nyeh nyeh nyeh....

  12. aku baru nak cakap sapa tangkap gambar kau...syah dah tanya pulak...
    Mesti awek ni...
    satu je gambar? posisi duduk mencangkung kat tempat jalan dlm bas tu tak ambik?
    aku tau kau mesti pressure sbb bila dah ada org baca blog kau..

  13. Ijam,
    It's not the pressure lah bro.. it's the pleasure of reading your comments that i miss...

  14. hebat jugak ni..sambil tutp mata tangkap gambar sendiri.
    You're having doubts of finishing the 25 K?
    You'll not only finish it, but you'll finish with great timing.

  15. Julin,
    Eish... kalau nak ambik gambar sambil tutup hidung pun boleh....
    May your prayer comes true... syukran. :)

  16. heh, once a upon a time. there was a boy who doesnt like to write.. :)

  17. Wei bro, i'm still a boy what! :)

  18. bro, ko buat aku jelous sebab ada gak latihan. Aku, negatif 1 tahap latihan, haram tak ada. Latihan paling berat aku buat cuma semalam je, menolak meja kerusi untuk mengemas rumah.

  19. Alamak Zul...
    aku belum buat lagi la latihan tolak meja kerusi tu... kau dah level advance dah ni... kalah aku.

  20. you wont be in the ambulance lah insyaallah hehe .. ada pot luck raya tau i heard .. so aim for that to finish the run hehehe

  21. salam. kepanjangan umor nik ni.:) baru smlm disebut kemanakah kehilangan. rupanya menyepi sebentar. anyways, take 1 day at a time, jgn force kalau xde feel utk menulis. kalu x jadi perenggan berita je la.. let the words flow frm ur heart (mula jiwang dah..) and thru ur finger tips. semoga gumbira slalu okkkayy. tata !

  22. June,
    Pot luck raya? ok.. i'll bring along some Tupperware to tapau. hihi.

    U mmg jenis jiwang eh? hihiihiiii...
    Thanks. Ayuh kita semua bergumbira sokmo...
